Sudo codesign -remove-signature "/Applications/Discord.app/Contents/Frameworks/Discord Helper (Renderer).app"

#Download imovie for mac from terminal password
Once the previous step finishes installing, paste the following command into the terminal app and then input your password again.NOTE: you will not see the password being put in, but it will be registering it. Open the Terminal app which can be found in Launchpad on every Mac.To get the Mac virtual camera to work on Discord: Generic instructions to allow the DAL plugin.Slack - May work by changing the entitlements, you can try the steps listed here with Slack replacing APPLICATION NAME HERE in step 4.

Screen (screen.so) - May work by changing the entitlements, you can try the steps listed here with Screen replacing APPLICATION NAME HERE in step 4.FireFox - Works for some people, doesn't work for others.Zoom (Make sure Zoom is updated to 5.1.1).Note: These have all been tested and confirmed to work on macOS Big Sur running OBS 26.1.2 The absolute first troubleshooting step to take is to quit the app completly that you are trying to use the virtual camera in, then start the virtual camera in OBS, then see if it works in the app. Also note you have to fully restart the program you are using to recognize the virtual camera. Please note that this list is not complete. A list of programs this is currently compatible with.