Recognizing this helps me panic less and trust more. Today’s reorder becomes tomorrow’s order, and the cycle begins again.

We are wiser, kinder, more humble, and stronger than before.

Reorder is when we emerge from disorder transformed by what we learned and by having met with God in a way that changed us. Reminded of our vulnerability, we are broken down and opened up enough to meet with God in a profound way. We find we weren’t as in control as we thought we were and there is more we need to learn. We’re using all that we’ve learned so far to put our lives together with stability and security. Order is when everything is going according to our plan. 3 words to describe this process of transformation are order, disorder, and reorder. ‘…“Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” The human spirit is something like a muscle in that it must be pushed to its limits and torn down in order to grow. And that is certainly true of this next artist I’m to delve into today, Jason Gray. That no matter what you look on the outside, no matter what the world can perceive you as, that God can still use even the unlikeliest of people for His purposes here on earth. And it is in this listening of this artist that I’m about to unpack this week, that I’ve come to realise this very fact, this very sobering moment. Nothing is wasted, and I truly mean nothing. Because in and amongst all of that, God is here, God is working, and God is using everything, for the renewal and the revitalisation of ourselves and of humanity as a whole. It is at times in our suffering that we know we can find God sufficient, and that in what we may often consider to be dark times in our overarching story, that God says to us that it is these moments we try to lock away, that He can turn around and impact and affect a lot of people, reminding ourselves that we don’t have to be ashamed because of what we’ve gone through, been through, what we think about ourselves, or what we deem this thing to be the most despicable (and disposable) about ourselves. God uses the weak and lowly, as well as the well-to-do.
#Lyrics to remind me who i am by jason gray free
For I know that there are things that I often label in my own life as things I know I need to work on- being able to let go of control and to not stress and worry when things don’t go my way, is a very big thing that I’ve struggled with all my life but when I’ve learnt to understand that it is indeed what I go through (that can be seen by myself as a fault or an impediment that I need to overcome) that allows God to work in others and myself, that I can truly be free from this notion that what I have needs ‘fixing’- that in spite of all the things that I need to improve upon, that God will still use me in my weakness to bring about His strength in all situations I find myself in. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve realised that at most times in my life, that it is the weaker, lesser things that I often try to hide that God often uses to bring people towards Himself, and to shine a light on the fact that being vulnerable and admitting to your own faults, isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but something that will be used by our Father in heaven, to either bring about healing and wholeness in the hearts of people, or just bringing about a better sense of honesty, transparency and authenticity in how I live, and in turn, how other people live when they see me being real with the life I live and lead.